Smoked Sardines Animal Treats: Easy 1 Ingredient Recipe

I absolutely love happy accidents.  Especially when it comes to recipes.  These smoked sardines for dogs and cats were a great happy accident.  It all started because I was looking for sardines to feed my dog.  I went to an Asian market and bought a big box of them.  But when I opened the box it wasn’t full of small little sardines.  It had these big 4-6″ inch ones.  When I attempted to give it to my girl, she wouldn’t eat it.  I almost threw the box away because while I hate being wasteful, I didn’t think anyone in my home would eat them. Fast forward to my trip to the local farmers market.  While I was there I spotted a smoked dog treat stall.  Among the items I saw were the same smoked sardines I had purchased.  When I asked the women about them she said she would cut one in half to see if my dog liked it.  Well there was no issue.  She gobbled it up in seconds and didn’t have any issues eating it. So I went home that night and pulled all the sardines out of the freezer and went to work.  The neighborhood cats all came out to see what was on the smoker.  So you know it must be good.  This recipe is for cats and dogs.  It can be used both with smelt size fish all the way up to the 4-6″ sardine size.  It retains all it’s healthy omega 3 oils, but seems to be easier to eat.  These smoked sardines are a great source of protein and calcium as they can consume the bones.  Best of all it’s a simple recipe that can be made in large batches.  Keep only what you will use for about 7 days in the fridge and freeze the rest.  I would imagine this will keep for at least 6 months in the freezer. A Word of Caution When using your smoker, make sure to keep it on it’s lowest setting.  We aren’t trying to cook the bones, just smoke them.  Cooked bones aren’t good for your pets.  Low and slow is what you want.  Also, always make sure your pet can handle whatever you are feeding them.  Give small portions to start.  Safety first. How to Know When the Smoked Sardines are Done This really depends on your pet.  You can leave them softer if your animal prefers a little chew.  You can also dry them a little longer for more crunch.  So this part is up to you. This one ingredient smoked sardine recipe will make your dogs and cats go crazy. It's any easy treat that can be made any time. You won't believe how easy it is.

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