
Two kids sitting in front of a television on the floor.

Where I Find Educational Videos

  So I really like to add videos to my curriculum.  I’m definitely an old school mom when it comes to technology.  I want my child to find joy in the great outdoors.  There will be time enough for digital devices in life.  But educational videos can be a useful tool. They can explain a subject much better than I can.  They can be used to keep a child engaged in an otherwise uninteresting subject.  So we spend most of our educational time off devices.  But, I definitely think they have their place. YouTube When I first started school I used YouTube a lot.  There are some really incredible educational shows out there like the Amoeba Sisters.  But my problem with YouTube is that there is so much content that I don’t want my child exposed to. Even on kid friendly channels

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A cricut maker 3 on a table with flowers in a vase. There is a third grade sign sitting next to it.

Cricut-A homeschool moms BFF

  I purchased a Cricut Maker 3 for my husband. He was looking for a vinyl cutter that would be small enough for the space we have. During my search I came across Cricut. Sure, I had seen these little cutters at craft stores off and on for years but I couldn’t figure out why, anyone who wasn’t a scrapbooker would ever be inclined to use one. Well people, turns out I was wrong. So wrong.  The Cricut Maker and Cricut Maker 3 are a incredible multitasking machines. I’m not getting paid for this or even getting anything free. In fact, I’ve paid them and am fully satisfied with my purchase. This is a machine I fully see us using for years to come. What Can the Cricut Maker Do It does everything! You want cute cutouts in any shape or size to hang on your classroom wall…Done! You want vinyl to decorate and organize every square inch of your classroom…Done! You want to make cute borders to decorate your black board…Done! Teaching your students how to sew for home ec? Yes, it can cut patterns for you too. Wanna build a science project that looks amazing? Just tell it what to do. I’m pretty sure this thing could make me dinner if I asked it to. Here is the list of what my Maker 3 can do: Cuts 300+ materials Cuts vinyl, wood, chipboard, aluminum, and sewing patternsCan easily make paper cards for whatever your needs areEmbossDe-bossPerforate Metal foil This may be my favorite multi tasking machine ever. If you have ever been to the teaching supply store you know just how expensive just a few of these things can get. The cost of this one device definitely is worth it in my opinion. I can use it not just for teaching, but for art projects and gift ideas for friends. It’s definitely a gift that keeps on giving!     The Cricut Maker 3 is the newest model of this machine.  The original Cricut Maker is the model before.  The main differences are that the newest model is much faster.  It can also cut up to 12 feet of vinyl at a time.  The original can’t.  The newer model cuts 300+ materials where the original can only do 100+.  I honestly think you couldn’t go wrong with either model.   We selected the Cricut Maker 3 because of the vinyl.  I’ve been more than satisfied with it.  It has definitely exceeded my expectations. What do you do with your Cricut machine?  Feel free to share.

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What is Unschooling?

  I was first told about unschooling from a girlfriend of mine. It was after I started panicking and worrying to her about making sure I wasn’t an epic failure as a homeschooling mom. To put it simply, Unschooling is the idea that children learn best by allowing them to find there own interests. There are no set curriculums or subjects. You allow them to go about their days and find what interests them. Most if not all their learning is done through this method. Basically, you make it look as little like learning in a school setting as possible. Studies have show this to be an effective teaching method. Children will learn naturally through their environment. They will use their natural curiosity to gather information and learn. In a lot of ways I think this method is wonderful. I use it on a smaller scale to encourage natural creativity and growth. Why I don’t Use it As My Only Curriculum However, I personally do not use this as my sole teaching method for several reasons. The first is that when it is used alone it increases your chance for educational learning gaps. If this isn’t a concern for you, great. But there are certain things I want to make sure get taught. I don’t want to have to spend time later fixing big learning gaps that could easily be corrected in a small lesson now. Another issue I see is that when you only allow studies that are fun or interesting, it makes teaching those things that are less fun, but necessary, more difficult. Children tend to not want to do them. Really, who can blame them for it.  It’s kind of like allowing your kids to choose candy and cookies for dinner everyday and then trying to make them eat their vegetables.  I’d much rather eat cupcakes than brussels sprouts all day long.  So would they.   Also, I don’t have a problem with school feeling like school. I liked school as a child. I was blessed with many great educators. I feel like a beautifully designed classroom brings joy to learning.  It also separates learning time from playtime.   What I Do Use it For But to be clear, I do use parts of this method. If we get obsessed with an animal, a science subject, or anything else. We stop and focus on it. We definitely turn it into a unit study. I have been known to stop learning in the middle of a hail storm to pick up ice crystals. We grabbed a microscope and started science class right then and there. I have allowed hours of watching the Amoeba Sisters on YouTube. That show is way smarter than I am.  I particularly like to use this for Creativity Days.  If you have never hear of them, you can read about Creativity Days in my post HERE. So once again, no method is right or wrong. This is how I do it. You do you. If you think this might be an option for you, give it a try. Just make learning an adventure no matter the method that you choose to use.  If you have an amazing way to unschool share it in the comments below.  

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How to choose a Homeschool Schedule

  When deciding on a homeschool school schedule there are so many worries. The main one is how much to teach and how often. Mom guilt is real people! Your always worried your not doing enough. You worry that your going to fail your child by under educating them. That somehow something you do will make your child the dumbest kid on the planet. The list of ridiculous worries goes on and on. Things to Consider The truth is that giving your child your time and energy is all that matters. So don’t stress. I found the easiest way to schedule my school days was to think about the average school system. On average, the normal child goes to school 36 weeks. If you take out the weekends thats about 180 days. They also get aproximately 16 weeks off. You might find it easier to focus on teaching 180 days. But, you may also find it easier to focus on 16 weeks off. Either way, establishing a timeline really makes scheduling your year easy. I‘m a scheduler. Schedules make me happy. Let’s be real, everyones happier when moms happy. But not every family wants a schedule. There are parents who don’t do any kind of schedule. I know of parents who choose to do a four day school week with three days off. There are also parents who only do a three day schedule. I find that personally the three day schedule is not enough time for me to get everything I want to teach in.   How I Schedule My Day During the day I try to only teach from the hours of 8-1:30. This is not set in stone. We schedule late days so everyone can sleep in sometimes. If we don’t complete everything by 1:30 it gets moved to the next day. I have several reasons for this schedule. One was that during the pandemic the distance learning from public school would take forever. It was exhausting and no learning really happened after a certain time each day. Just lots of arguing about getting work done. Also, because there isn’t a class of 24 students that I am trying to wrangle, work gets done at a much faster pace. 4-4.5 hours a day is more than enough time.   Multiple Curriculums I have two school curriculums I follow. A summer and winter. The reason for this is because I teach school in the summer. Don’t freak out! Hear me out. Where we live is crazy hot in the summer. There is no going outside.  There is not a lot that goes on except sitting in front of an AC unit or putting your head in the refrigerator to cool down. So I do a modified summer schedule. This works on so many levels. It keeps the kiddos busy without to much school. It also allows us to take vacations and longer breaks in cooler months. It also allows us to take field trips when all the other kids are in school and avoid crowds as well. So cool right? The other big reason I teach in the summer is because of the learning gap. On average, children lose a ton of information over the summer. Most teachers spend a month reteaching lost information. Guess what? I have no desire to reteach lost information. So my school year looks like this. During the year I do a 5 day schedule. One day is a half day for my sanity. Then every 4 weeks we schedule a break, again for my sanity. This is flexible. So no need to make it exactly 4. At the close of our school year I give a two to three week break. Then we go to the summer schedule which is 4 days a week for 4 weeks and then another week off. I fill the summer schedule with more creative things like art and science. This still leaves us with several weeks to take other time off whenever we feel like it for anything we want. Just to be clear, none of these systems is better than the other. I adjust mine often. Do what fits your needs. If your kid only makes it 178 days literally nothing bad will happen. Most kids miss a few days a year for sickness anyways. Do what works and when it stops working, change it up. Final Thoughts If I can give only one piece of advice it would be, take breaks. Plan things like Creativity Days or throw in some Unschooling days to change up your day and keep things interesting.  Make sure to take them whenever you feel that you need them. Homeschooling takes time and energy. If you don’t rest, you and your entire family will burn out. So rest often and enjoy the time you spend together. If you have a different schedule that works for you, feel free to share it.

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What are Creativity Days?

  School days can get monotonous for everyone. It can be such a challenge to keep the days fun and interesting. I use creativity days to help me when I feel like I’m about to run screaming for the hills. What are creativity days you ask? Anything you wish them to be. Things to Do With Your Creativity Day There are no hard and fast rules. If we want to spend the day working on art projects that’s what we do. If we want to build a Kiwico crate? That’s fine too. We can cook, go fishing, bike riding or swimming. If we want to make cupcakes and frosting we will. These days are meant to inspire creativity. To breathe life into our imagination. Each and every one of these has the potential to teach various lessons in mathematics, physics, PE, hand eye coordination and many other things. If you are unsure of what to do or how to start, you could always use these days to do a unit study. Find something that really interests your child and begin there. If they love cats, spend the day learning about cats. If it’s birds, build a birdhouse. Plant a garden. Build a fort. Do something that doesn’t feel or look like school. We use these days to practice Unschooling.  If you have never heard of it you can read my post on it HERE.  It will make everyone feel refreshed. I try to tuck at least two of them in per month. Think of them as memory makers.  How do you get creative?  Let me know.

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A display of math books

Choosing a Math Curriculum

  This is probably one of the most hotly debated subjects in the homeschool world. I have actually seen people argue over what constitutes a full math curriculum. Before teaching homeschool I had no idea there was even a choice in the type of math curriculum you could teach. As it turns out there isn’t just a type, but multiple types. Types of Math Curriculum These include the following:SpiralingMasteryConceptual ProceduralLiving Within, these types are subtypes as well. As a parent it can get very confusing. So, to keep it simple, I’m only going to discuss these main types today.   Mastery Mastery is the idea that the child will learn the concept they are being taught completely and thoroughly before moving on to the next concept. They would learn addition only and then subtraction. This would work great for a child struggling to understand things at a more rapid pace. It allows you to take more time on the concept until it is completely understood. The downside to this type of math is that the child does not get exposed to other concepts until later.  If you decide that you want or need to go back to a public education, it may be difficult for the child.  They will struggle to do concepts that they have not have been exposed to yet.  An example of this is the Math U See curriculum. Spiraling Spiraling is the idea that you take chunks of concepts and teach them in a more fast paced manner. You would teach the ideas in successive order. Then you would “spiral” back to the original idea and reteach the concept again at a later date.  An example of this is Saxon Math.   This works great for children who are bored easily and get concepts at a faster rate. The child would learn smaller chunks of different information at the beginning of your school year and then relearn it again to retain the information. What I have found to be problematic in some curriculums is that sometimes the spiraling gets a little confusing and sometimes it can even get boring depending on how far back or repetitive the spiraling goes. Conceptual Conceptual is the idea that mathematics will be taught in a tangible manner. It uses hard or real ideas to make the math more concrete. You will see lots of things like manipulatives being used. Manipulatives that the child can see, touch and use. There will be lots of word problems for real life situations as well. Conceptual math is really loved among educators. It gives the child a real foundation to understanding math not just in the beginning, but as they continue to get into harder concepts. The only downside is time. It is not an “open and go” curriculum. You will need to spend some time teaching the concept first.  An example of this is Singapore Math or Beast Academy.   Procedural Procedural math teaches a procedure. It shows you the algorithm or formula how to do the math and then the child will be able to complete the concept again and again. Procedural math is good at teaching how to organize data, and always get the correct answers. The downside is that the child can complete the problem, get the correct answer from the procedure, and still have no idea how they got to the answer. They may not have an understanding of the concept, even though they can do it. This can cause issues later.   Procedural math is best taught after the child fully understands the conceptual part of it.  This will prevent the problem of only knowing how to do a problem and not why you do it.  While neither conceptual or procedural is wrong, the best math curriculums will use both. Living Math Living math is math that is taught through every day life. You teach fractions through cooking and baking. You teach algebra by measuring actual buildings. You teach multiplication by sharing food with friends. It really teaches that math is everywhere. Living math works really well for kids who struggle to understand concepts. It gives real information in a fun way. The drawbacks are again time. You may also find that living math doesn’t give you as complete a curriculum as you are looking for alone. The nice thing is that it is very easy to use it as an addition to any math program. How to Choose Most Math curriculums will use one, some or even all of these types. In our home we are currently using a mix of both Saxon and Beast Academy.  Saxon is very repetitive and thorough.  Beast Academy is more engaging and fun but not as thorough.  So for us, we require two curriculums to fit our needs.  But my needs are not your needs. It’s important when looking at the curriculum to understand which one you are getting. It will help you decide more easily which program you want to teach. It will also help you get ahead of any problems you may encounter so that you can quickly and easily fix them. Just remember that no math curriculum is perfect. Choose what’s best for you and your family. I hope this gives you all a better understanding of math curriculums. Happy Homeschooling!

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